Who is Eligible?

A member and/or all members of his/her immediate family who has suffered a personal injury as a result of negligence is covered by this benefit.


What is the Benefit?

The Legal Services Fund provides coverage through the panel law firm for all legal services, through trial if necessary, in connection with the prosecution of a claim for personal injury as a consequence of negligence in cases which legal counsel believes are worthy of prosecution. The member will be represented on the basis of a contingent fee of 33 1/3% of the net sum recovered.


What does “Contingent Fee” Mean?

It means that the fee is contingent upon successful recovery, whether by suit, settlement or otherwise. Thus, if there is no recovery, there is no fee. Conversely, the more that is recovered, the greater the fee . . . all dependent upon a successful conclusion of the matter.

As is customary, whether the litigation is successful or not, you are required to reimburse the firm for all disbursements, charges and other expenses, such as: medical and police reports, investigations, witness fees, etc. Also, as is customary, in computing this contingent fee, liens in favor of hospitals, doctors, etc. or other statutory liens upon recovery, are not to be deducted. Such amounts would be paid out of the injured partyʼs share of the recovery.


How is the Personal Injury (Negligence) Benefit Obtained?

The Legal Services Fund has arranged for the Personal Injury (Negligence) Benefit to be provided on a twenty-four

(24) hour, seven (7) days a week basis, via our

CALL: 914-997-1576