Who is Eligible…You are eligible if you are a covered member.
What is the Benefit…This benefit provides the covered member with the opportunity to have a Designation of Person in Parental Relation (“Designation”) prepared and executed under the supervision of an attorney from the panel law firm.
Note: With respect to a covered member who wishes to be named Designee, an attorney from the panel law firm will provide a special consultation to confirm that the Designation has been drafted in compliance with the law.
A Designation designates another person (the “Designee”) as a person in parental relation to a minor or incapacitated person to act on his\her\their behalf in matters relating to education and health care. The Designation is a very useful document for parents who must leave their child with a caregiver for a limited period of time. If drafted properly, the Designation will be valid for up to 6 months.
How to Obtain the Benefit…To obtain the Designation of Person in Parental Relation Benefit, you should contact the Fund to request an appointment. At the time of the appointment, you and an attorney from the panel law firm will complete the appropriate forms.